“Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. And between the two my life flows” –
Nisargadatta Maharaj

Dear yoga friends,

I just completed Yin Yoga Asana & Biomechanics teacher training through an internationally renowned teacher who studied with Paul Grilley(the founder of Yin yoga) and also Sara Powers(the founder of Insight Yoga Institute and the author of Insight Yoga). Although I already have a Certification for Yin yoga teacher and have been teaching Yin for a while, there is so much more to learn and to discover from the training!

As we live in the northern hemisphere, you’ve probably noticed there are some gradual changes. The weather started getting chiller and windier. As the day becomes shorter and darker, trees begin to lose their leaves and fall on the ground.

The fall season is associated with “Metal element” in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The organs are associated with the Lung and Large Intestine. In emotional and spiritual terms, the Lung balances the ability to yield and demand, give and take, hold on and let go. When the Lung(Metal) energy is out of balance, order and discipline are rigidly maintained, the emotions are kept under tight control, rules and routines become inflexible, and the body begins to stiffen up. The Large Intestine is responsible for making distinctions between harmless and harmful elements. When the Large Intestine energy is out of balance, the inability to discriminate between what is right and wrong, a lack of originality or creativity, and a growing sensation of rigidity and inflexibility.

This past two weeks, I started incorporating several poses to stimulate upper meridian lines(Metal) in my classes to balance our vital energy(chi-気), so we can prepare for the period of darkness for this season.

I also would love to announce my upcoming workshop in December! My friend, Jessica Jenn who is an internationally recognised meditation teacher/sound bowl healer and I will be hosting a special workshop, “Full Moon Yin Yoga and Live Sound Bath Magic”. This Full Moon is the last Full Moon of 2021 and one of the end points of the year. The Full Moon is all about peaking and releasing the old letting go of lower energies and upsetting events especially from this year. Journaling and releasing works through a series of Yin asanas and meditation with a beautiful Sound Bowl. The workshop will be on December 18th(Full Moon night) 6:30pm at Bhakti Barn Yoga. Please check the following information to sign up.

This is a special offering and not to be missed!!!