I hope everyone is well and enjoyed the total eclipse this week!
It was wet and cold last week, and this week is very warm and sunny weather. I have been very much affected by this weather fluctuations. We are now entering Kapha season according to Ayurvedic theory. Because Kapha consists of Water and Earth elements, it is muddy and wet like the rainy weather as we recently experienced.
I have taught many Kapha balancing classes this month as Spring arrived. Kapha governs stomach, chest, lung, digestive system and bone joints. We tend to accumulate stagnant energy from long winter season and usually it shows up during this time like allergies, excess mucus and sluggish digestion. The great way to balance Kapha is moving and stimulating our body!
My class lately includes upper body strengthening, working on joints, Kapalabhati (Skull-polishing breath), long standing sequence, poses stimulating our digestive fire such as core work and twist. Some myofascial release helps to increase circulation and decongests the lymph nodes, removing excess Kapah. Yoga practice is wonderful way to balance Kapha and feel good in our body!
Lastly, I am adding more classes from this month. One hour Level1-2 class started from this week at Three Birds Yoga, Tuesday at 8:15am. Another class, Flow to Yin class is starting at the new studio in Morristown on Wednesday at 9:30am from next week. Jessica McNally PT and Yoga studio is small but beautiful studio in the heart of downtown area in Morristown. As the studio is small, it occupies less than 8 people. It is more intimate space and I can give one-on-one attention to the students. The schedule is attached here and also you can go to the link and sign up from offering section from this website.
Thank you for reading my blog. Enjoy the beautiful Spring season!
Much love,