In Ayurvedic theory, we are currently in Pitta season. Pitta is element of fire and water and connected to our abdomen, intestines, liver and spleen. During this hot summer season, we tend to elevate Pitta within us and collect more “heat” within our organs. Although my main constitution is Vata(Air and Ether), I tend to elevate Pitta during summer months and it affects my digestion and emotion if I don’t pay much attention to my body and what I consume.
Last week was my Pitta balancing class, and I would like to share some helpful tips how to cool off the elevated Pitta and still enjoy the joyful summer season!
Food suggestion: Try to avoid hot, acidic, spicy and oily foods. Acidic drink like coffee is also not good, so if you would like to have a coffee, maybe try to limit one cup in the morning and try to drink tea rest of the day like me 🙂 Eat cooling food like cucumber, okra, all seasonal leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits, quinoa, rice and barley oats. My favorite during summer is barley tea. In Japan, we drink this throughout the day during summer.
Yoga & Exercise suggestion: In general, side bend and twist are great poses to pacify Pitta by creating more space into our abdomen and side of waist area. If you can, it is best to avoid hot yoga during heat wave to prevent accumulation of Pitta. If you practice fiery Vinyasa yoga, try to cool down by also practicing Yin or Restorative yoga. Swimming is also another great cool down exercise for summer.
Senses suggestion: Listening to soothing and calming music is also another way to pacify Pitta. I like listening to ocean wave sound or raining sound during my personal Yin yoga or Meditation practice.
After shower or bath, I personally like massaging my skin gently with Aloe vera gel. Ayurveda suggests coconuts oil and rose water mist for Pitta.
For smell(aromatherapy), using earlier in the day or before bedtime can help calm the mind. Lavender, Rose, lemongrass, peppermint, gardenia, jasmine, and sandalwood are good scent for Pitta. Try out and see which one works best for you. My favorite essential oil during summer is Pink Lotus Sand from Edens Garden at It is a beautiful aroma fusion of Neroli, Pink Lotus, and other citrus blends. They have wonderful collections for summer essential oil!
Pranayama(breathing practice): Shitali breath is very famous breathing practice to cool down. Also, Equal length of breath(Sama Vritti), Three-Part breath(Dirgha) and Alternate Nostril Breath are great way to cool and calm down for Pitta.
I hope my suggestions are helpful to cool off this heat! Here is my schedule in August. You can check offering section of my website for the detail and the link to the studio as well.