Welcome to our Autumn season. As Sunday was Autumn Equinox, I held the Autumn Equinox ritual & Yin yoga workshop on the same day. We celebrated the auspicious day with beautiful souls.
This was my first time leading the chanting and playing harmonium for the students. This was a very special time for me. I could feel the high vibrational energy all around me on that day.
In general, most of the workshops are for people who are looking for something very special. This specific configuration of time, space, and people will never be the same again. During the workshop, I used my Goddess Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue. I have not used my Oracle card for the students since the pandemic began.
I chose the card spread “Autumn Equinox 5 cards spread” to ask the divine what they are harvesting this season and what they need to let go of. I drew the cards on behalf of them, and amazingly, they received absolutely fantastic cards! At one point when I drew the last card, I had a loss of words and goosebumps that ran down my body
All the women that were present were stunned by this divine message! We all became a little emotional because there were no wrong cards or mistakes, especially when using this Goddess deck.
I have been using the Goddess Deck for 15 years and, to date, she has never disappointed me.
I must confess. I was not planning on holding this workshop because September is a very busy time for me especially since schools are now in session., I also have responsibilities for both work and home. I must care for my sick cats even though I wasn’t sure my energy would hold up, but it has.
As far as the workshop, every time I meditated and asked my intuition, cards, and signs for help, the answer came back the same. The divine nature strongly encouraged me to conduct this particular workshop. Each seasonal change is always busy anyway and I really felt I should not procrastinate about this workshop!
Now I know why! The people who came to the workshop this time needed to practice the ritual and were meant to receive these important messages for their lifetime. It was a blessing and honor to guide them to this incredible point.
I would like to sincerely thank my spiritual teacher who took her time with me and taught the harmonium of her song (Mantra for the five elements). I waited for one year to learn from her and it came to fruition like divine timing.
Through this devotional chanting, I learned how to awaken my heart. My teacher always said you don’t need to be a singer or musical expert to chant, but you must chant from your heart with full devotion. I must confess, chanting with those beautiful souls was the pinnacle of my workshop!
Here is my October class schedule.
May your autumn be filled with joy, happiness, and prosperity!
Photo ( post cover ) by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash